People with these surnames may be related to the Bruers
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Aldridge, Alford, Andrejic, Benyon, Blight, Borthwick, Bowen, Brenton, Brereton, Burge, Butler, Cahill, Cashell, Catford, Champion, Clendennon, Dornseiff, Ey, Grant, Greene, Grey, Hanson, Hartnett, Herne, Hetherington, Hill, Hindley, Hocking, Honeyman, Hudson, Jones, Kelly, Kitto, MacLean, Mackennal, Madden, Matefe, May, McDonald, Page, McIntosh, McKenzie, McLeod, Middleton, Morrisey, Mundy, Neale, Oberer, O'Brien, Paech, Parsons, Pelham, Perkins, Poole, Pritchitt, Rainsford, Richards, Ricketts, Robinson, Slocombe, Southouse, Spiers, Steinmann, Stuckey, Tawfik, Taylor, Thompson, Tonkes, Townsley, Truscott, Van Erren, Wagner, Wall, Walsh, Watkins, Webster, Westcott, White, Whiting, Williamson, Wright,